Come away and rest awhile... Take some comfort in the promise of things to come...

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Just thinking-again

I am quite convinced now that we are indeed living in the "end times"... This comes not from private revelation or any such thing but from reading whats out there, approved church commentary and just talking to many, many people who are feeling the sense of dread that I do.  There is a sense of foreboding, a sense of something coming and its not good.

Now that said, I've been doing some thinking again.  I don't want to be around for the end times, think most feel the same way, who would?  But on the other hand it means heaven is that much closer! It means that we are some of the last humans God has ordained to "create" to have the option of enjoying heaven. Wow! Aren't we blessed!  Its scary and wonderful at the same time. Its caused even more focusing on the wonders of what awaits us in Heaven.

 I was thinking of all the things I'd love to do here on earth but most likely never will get to enjoy like decorating 100 houses each with its own theme, unique and wonderful.  I was thinking of all the hiking I've missed over the last 20 years due to well a negative other half.  I was thinking of all the things I've missed not have a regular computer for all the research I'd love to do... I was thinking of all the books I'd love to be able to enjoy if only there was time for ALL of them.  Then it hit me! I bet Heaven has a huge library there filled to the brim with books of all kind of facinating things. In my mind I see a surprise waiting when you open any of these books.  I see instead of pages before my eyes the book coming alive.  I see myself and anyone else going for a real live adventure in the book! Its better than a computer, its better than just sitting and reading! WHY NOT! the eye has not seen the ear has not heard! Why do we limit ourselves?  Re: my decorating I see God allowing me to have my hundred houses to decorate with no limit on a budget and using "otherwordly" materials to create the most incredible dream homes ever!  I see every dream I dream and wish for coming true in such incredible ways! WHY NOT?  I want to  hike? Why not fly? Why not fly over vista's like none have ever seen without my fear of heights, why not?  There is so much there, waiting, like Christmas morning... If we can just finish the race. It will all be so worth it, just keep the faith...I want to see you there!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Life Seems So Burdensome Sometimes and Yet

Life can seem so heavy and burdensome can't it? It sure does for me... It is so easy to give up, to want to quit to think that this is all there is....Then my precious child or a whisper from an unseen angel will redirect my thoughts and remind me about the "hereafter"...  Yes! The hereafter with its promise of rest, of quiet and calm... With the promise of beautiful surroundings that have no blemish, no sick trees, dying animals or humans anywhere...The air is so crisp and clean, the waters so clear and blue... The lazy clouds drifting so softly by. You feel the strength of the environment strengthening you and filling you with life...Breathe it in!  Everywhere is perfection but not perfection that is overwhelming and discouraging to you by reminding you of your lack of, no, perfection that lifts you up and elevates you to join forces with it....This is our promise, our reward for completing the race! All traces of sin and its negative effects washed away by the blood of our Savior.... Oh the thoughts make all of this here seem so trival and so short lived when compared to eternity such as this....So friends look up, don't look down and see only the here and how, look up and see eternity....The view is so much better!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Souls of nature

Did you ever think about how every thing living you see has a soul? Not a human soul but nonetheless a soul...Things cannot live without a soul.  It hit me how God is so awesome that He even has to think to create everything. Every non living thing and all living plants: animals, plants of all kinds...He has to take a moment to think of each one then to fashion and shape it into something living...It also hit me how these things were meant for something better than what we have left for them. I truly believe that these things will also receive their reward for suffering alongside of us. They are the silent sufferers in this exile world of ours...I know that our great God will also bless them in the new future....


Sounds of Heaven

Thinking alot of heaven....Always!  Anyways this time was thinking on something human that surely is a small refection of what goes on eternally and awaits us as well...Music! Singing. I know personally that when I am really happy I sing or cry or both! When I hear beautiful music anywhere I am uplifted to heights I cannot describe. Music takes us to such heights...Heaven is full of sound, lovely, lovely sounds...Music and singing that is motivated by the intense joy that fills the hearts and souls of those who are part of this wonder called heaven.  This brings to mind something that may slip your attention, WOW! Do we walk around here daily singing and uplifted like this? We can't! We in our poor human form cannot physically handle this much emotion. If we had to continuously "endure" continuous joy we couldn't  we'd physically get sick or die from the stress.  We cannot endure so much joy until we are in our resurrected bodies! This if you follow it further then can you imagine being this happy that you are always singing for pure joy....Just had to share it...Hope I communicated it ok.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

I'm Still Here!

Life has hit me hard...Had to leave a 15 relationship due to realizing it was abusive...Now on top of it all fighting to protect my two angels from the same abuser...Its the scariest thing ever for me... I will be back at some time but it may be awhile again...
