Come away and rest awhile... Take some comfort in the promise of things to come...

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Life Seems So Burdensome Sometimes and Yet

Life can seem so heavy and burdensome can't it? It sure does for me... It is so easy to give up, to want to quit to think that this is all there is....Then my precious child or a whisper from an unseen angel will redirect my thoughts and remind me about the "hereafter"...  Yes! The hereafter with its promise of rest, of quiet and calm... With the promise of beautiful surroundings that have no blemish, no sick trees, dying animals or humans anywhere...The air is so crisp and clean, the waters so clear and blue... The lazy clouds drifting so softly by. You feel the strength of the environment strengthening you and filling you with life...Breathe it in!  Everywhere is perfection but not perfection that is overwhelming and discouraging to you by reminding you of your lack of, no, perfection that lifts you up and elevates you to join forces with it....This is our promise, our reward for completing the race! All traces of sin and its negative effects washed away by the blood of our Savior.... Oh the thoughts make all of this here seem so trival and so short lived when compared to eternity such as this....So friends look up, don't look down and see only the here and how, look up and see eternity....The view is so much better!