Come away and rest awhile... Take some comfort in the promise of things to come...

Monday, May 24, 2010

To Soar As A Dove to My God!

Ever feel like if you could just be free of this corporal link how you would instantly just soar like a bird up to heaven into the Hands of God? Oh how I long for that...And yet duty binds me here and here I must abide until that wonderful moment when in the blinking of an eye I soar to the heavens to be forever embraced by my God! Life here is not all bad and yet life in Heaven is so to be desired that it makes as it were straw of this life's pleasures. Perhaps I have dwelt too long on the pleasures of Heaven and so that now I can no longer find peace here. I long for Heaven with every fiber of my being... It is as a bird trapped in a cage longing for the freedom of the heavens...Yet my God knows I am not ready to soar, I must still develop my wings through the trails of this life so that they are strong and ready to soar...As a deer longs for running waters so my heart longs for you oh my God.

1 comment:

  1. More interesting thoughts! My sister has spoken of this longing as well and a friend had it also.

    Namarie, God bless, Anne Marie :)
