Come away and rest awhile... Take some comfort in the promise of things to come...

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Frodo's Ring? Our ring?

Just had a crazy or maybe not thought...

Well since my wonderful audience (yes you Anne Marie) are a devoted fan like me this one's for you!

Frodo carried a very heavy ring, a ring that could corrupt the bearer if he allowed it too...It was heavy with the weight of what it contained: the lure of complete power, the weight of all those who had fallen under its corrupt spell...It was a burden that got heavier and heavier with time...

I see a parallel in our own lives to this ring...Each of us carries a ring, a cross in life. We have the ability to accept this burden and carry it willingly albeit painfully. We do it for the "greater good". Sometimes as in Frodo's case the ring was thrust upon him. We often have our "ring" thrust upon us as well. Sometimes we have the choice to walk away from it as did Frodo, other times we don't. Frodo went on a long mission to destroy this ring, this evil thing. We also travel on a journey to destroy this "evil" that has been given to us...We can only destroy (all) of the rings we will carry by our death. IN that moment if we have carried the ring with patience and courage we will be rewarded as was Frodo by being relieved of such a great evil. If we have not carried it well we will be like Gollum who at death falls into the pit with the ring...IS this what we desire? Think not. Heaven will be our reward for carrying the ring well just as Frodo went to the Undying Lands as reward and for healing so we will soar to heaven for our reward...Let us then use our "ring" for the greater good, to benefit others through our patient suffering and offering as a sacrifice on the altar of our hearts to our Loving God who awaits us as a parent awaiting a beloved child who has been away on a long trip...

Just something to ponder...

1 comment:

  1. Wow, my dear! Very cool! I shall have to send you my paper I wrote on the spirituality of Frodo's journey that was presented at the Tolkien Society Seminar this summer in Australia. Love this whole post, my sister. :) *hugs*

    Namarie, God bless, Anne Marie :)
