Come away and rest awhile... Take some comfort in the promise of things to come...

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Ever wonder?

Just a thought but did you ever wonder if...

Sometimes when you just don't get something you really want, or when things just go the wrong way for no reason and you feel down on yourself for it ever think of just giving it to God? Sometimes I do. Its like a gift to Him from the heart. Then I wonder after that if maybe, just maybe He loves us soooooo much that He wants to see if we love Him in return and He "asks" for gifts like the above mentioned to see "if" we will give it to Him. Do we love Him enough to sacrifice something for Him??? He is a jealous God, He wants ALL our affection and love and maybe, just maybe this is His way of testing that love on our part...Following behind that too I wonder sometimes IF its a test of love and that He secretly smiles when we give Him something that costs us knowing that one day, yes one day He is going to SHOWER us with His love totally in Heaven. He is going to repay our small love offerings with His overwhelming Love and incredible blessings and surprises in Heaven. Ever think of that? Sometimes I do...It makes things so much less painful and bittersweet maybe too...But worth the wait. Its like a King asking a poor pauper girl for the only bloom from her small garden as a test of love. If she proves her loves He marries her and gives her a huge beautiful garden as a thank you, something like that...Again just a thought to spark some more desire for heaven...

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Frodo's Ring? Our ring?

Just had a crazy or maybe not thought...

Well since my wonderful audience (yes you Anne Marie) are a devoted fan like me this one's for you!

Frodo carried a very heavy ring, a ring that could corrupt the bearer if he allowed it too...It was heavy with the weight of what it contained: the lure of complete power, the weight of all those who had fallen under its corrupt spell...It was a burden that got heavier and heavier with time...

I see a parallel in our own lives to this ring...Each of us carries a ring, a cross in life. We have the ability to accept this burden and carry it willingly albeit painfully. We do it for the "greater good". Sometimes as in Frodo's case the ring was thrust upon him. We often have our "ring" thrust upon us as well. Sometimes we have the choice to walk away from it as did Frodo, other times we don't. Frodo went on a long mission to destroy this ring, this evil thing. We also travel on a journey to destroy this "evil" that has been given to us...We can only destroy (all) of the rings we will carry by our death. IN that moment if we have carried the ring with patience and courage we will be rewarded as was Frodo by being relieved of such a great evil. If we have not carried it well we will be like Gollum who at death falls into the pit with the ring...IS this what we desire? Think not. Heaven will be our reward for carrying the ring well just as Frodo went to the Undying Lands as reward and for healing so we will soar to heaven for our reward...Let us then use our "ring" for the greater good, to benefit others through our patient suffering and offering as a sacrifice on the altar of our hearts to our Loving God who awaits us as a parent awaiting a beloved child who has been away on a long trip...

Just something to ponder...

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Die to Ourselves???

Ever have those moments when you know something maybe even live something but can't find the words to express it??? Then all of a sudden you have a moment of enlightenment and for a short while you can? Well having one of those moments...So trying to take advantage.

Heaven, a place of joy, peace, comfort, security, total abandonment to LOVE....How do we get there? Many componets could go into that answer but this one seems to me to sum them all up: We must die to ourselves...Think about it, deeply. Are we here to "live it up?" Are we here to get as rich as we can, to store up earthly treaures? Are we here to make the best of life and then its just "all over", nothing more...Don't believe any of that.

Think that the "ticket" to heaven can be summed up in "die to yourself" If we live that way, putting our greedy desires aside, thinking in the needs of others. Making the needs of others as important as our own then we grow in love. If you keep thinking in others and making their needs as important as your own, realizing that THEY are also here a pilgrim like you and needing your help and that YOU can help them, you die a little to self... You start to realize slowly that "this is NOT it, that there is a great beyond. That by being there for your brother or sister you are purchasing golden coins that will be stored up for you in the Heavenly Bank...You will start to change inside. You will see things differently, from a totally different perspective, God's perspective. You will learn to value others in a way that surpasses human understanding. You will soon see that God has placed you here for a mission, to help others, to make their lives a little easier in this vale of tears... You will see that its ok if your tired because you stayed up late talking to a friend in need...Or that if you have to give up a favorite treat because you gave $10 to a person in need, its good. Its good if you miss "the game" because you stopped to help a stranger with car trouble...You'll soon have a totally different set of priorities... You will take the back seat and put others first! Not saying neglect yourself-don't put words in my mouth...No but your attitude will change, you will value others as much as you value yourself. You will become LESS selfish... You WILL find great joy in alleviating the pain of others. You will learn to desire such activities so that you can spread yourself thin "like not enough butter over bread" (Tolkien quote) You will learn that the great ones of God knew this secret and wouldn't have traded it for the world! Its ok to wear yourself out for the good of your brother! Remember what you do for the least of my brothers, you do for Me....(Our Lord) We have corporal bodies here..In Heaven we will have immortal bodies...So what difference does it make if we wear this one out here because in Heaven we will only shine the brighter for having done so. And this one is going to drop and rot anyway! SO why not make it worth the trip? I cannot wait for heaven and when I finally leave to go there I sure want to have some kind of paper trail with all the times I "wore myself out for the good of another"...It sure will make that moment alot more pleasant I'm sure! Think about it...Maybe, hopefully you will feel this way too...Think what a better place it would be here if more people felt this way...


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Is it because?

Have you ever felt like nothing here can satisfy you? Do you ever look around and see beautiful things and yet they seem empty? Have you ever felt restless inside like your in a train station just passing through? Boy I have and often do...Is it because we are "just passing through?" Is it because we are not meant for this earth but something beyond? I think so. Once you focus on Heaven there is nothing as beautiful here as there. All beauty here is still beautiful but it dulls in comparison with what awaits. Its like being a stranger in a foreign place, your not home. It might be lovely but its not home. That is how I feel right now, its hard. Your bound to this earth and yet your not of this earth. You must "do your time" before you can return home. On the other side of this I am thankful for the time here, if I wasn't here wouldn't have a chance at enjoying heaven. You can't go there if you don't exist here first! And there are some beautiful moments that happen here a foretaste of the hereafter...The smile of a child, the beauty of a sunset, the glory of the ocean, the song of bird first thing in the morning...All but a foretaste of good things to come. So I am thankful for each day, for the good and the bad as it may be...Its the small blessings that I enjoy the most, the love of my child, the wag of my dogs tail...The cardinal and mate that come each day at dawn and dusk to feed, the bloom of the hostia's white flowers, the way the wind blows through the leaves so high in the trees...These are the small things that ease my journey here. These things are a foretaste of what will be. So when your feeling lost or just blah that there isn't much beauty here remember it is there, look for it and remember its because your not meant for here but there!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Is it Just Me or Do You Feel It Too?

Is is just me or is this world seeming darker and more wearysome than ever before? Can't explain it but it just seems to be getting heavier and heavier almost as if like a vacuum cleaner that has taken up too much dirt and now is too heavy to move. Whats up? Is it truly as some knowledgeable friends have said that we are in the end times? I think we are and yet what does that mean? I think it means not exactly as we think it might. End times in God's time could mean a thousand years or just a few short ones...Only He knows that. And yet it does seem that we are indeed in that time frame however long or short it may be. Do I feel discouraged about it? No. Sometimes I get a little nervous, true, who wouldn't? And yet why fear? If we are virtuous people who have our sites on home then it shouldn't matter. We are all going to die one day, somehow. If we don't die of old age then maybe young in a car accident or from illness. Still others will face death at the hand of another person, it is all the same in the end. We will all die one day and what really matters is where do we go from there? How we get there, well that can scare some people true but we must trust the One who loves us immensely, put our hope in Him and then no matter how when we are reunited with Him the fear will all be a distant memory. Think in that! Be at peace. This world is NOT home and the heavier it gets the less it feels like home to me. We must surely seek out the remaining beauty here and enjoy it yes of course we must! However we must focus on the greater and permanent beauty of heaven! That place where death, illness, fear, hunger, pain all have no place or memory...It will be a wonderful place of great respite. Rest for the weary (that includes me), health for those who have suffered here with long illness or other physical suffering, they will be made whole! Tears will be dried and laughter will take their place! Broken hearts will be made whole. All will be well. Fear will be replaced with love and security, hunger will be unknown, nothing but good things for those who suffered here..Oh if we can only hang on...

So my friend, be at peace, hang on to your hope for heaven! We will all be there sooner than we realize, even if we live to be old it will still come sooner than expected, wait and see!

Peace to you and yours,

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Come away with me...

Come away with me
And feel what is yet to be.
Heaven our hope is calling,
May this thought keep us from falling.
Falling into the pit
Falling into despair.

Heaven our hope is calling,
May we be falling.
Not into despair but love,
Love of Our God
Love of each other.

Heaven awaits us
Each and everyone.
No more pain,
No more fear.
Love abounds,
Its everywhere.

Come away with me,
Let see what we can see.
Heaven is calling,
Beauty beyond comprehension
Oh can't you already see?

Togther then let us go,
Hand in hand,
Heaven bound you and I
There to dance for joy
To laugh eternally.


Friday, July 9, 2010

Heaven True Joy and Hope for our weary world!

Of course! Yes, been thinking about Heaven again! Do it everyday now...Its becoming a habit, a good one! The more I think about it the more I want it...What about you friend? Have you thought about Heaven today? There is so much negativity going on everywhere. It can be overwhelming can it not? Want some hope, some cheery news? Of course you do! Heaven! Wow! If only the joy would spread, the knowledge of what awaits us! If only! Once heard a supposedly true story of a man who was given 7 seconds believe it was of a view of heaven and it actually took his life! He was according to the story so happy his human body couldn't contain the emotion and he died! Wow! That tells me that maybe the reason Heaven is veiled to us now is for this very reason. Maybe only our spiritual side (soul) are able to actually handle heaven and that is why we die to get there... Maybe it is just SO WONDERFUL we couldn't handle it...Ever think of that? Something so wonderful it would kill you? Must be good! Still think no big deal, not sure if you care if you get there or not? Better think again my friend. One way or the other you were made for eternity. Thats like forever with NO END... Ummm, think I'd like to be happy for eternity how about you...So remember that old quote "where your treasure is there will your heart be"?? Make Heaven your treasure and your heart will follow. If you do so you will live in a manner that will take you there. Remember you are only one heartbeat, one breath away from eternity! Where would you like to spend yours?


Wednesday, June 9, 2010

End Times?

Keep hearing people say, good people, godly people that they feel or sense we might be in the end times...I often speculate on that myself. I have often prayed NOT to live in such times and yet it is what it is. If indeed we are in the end times only God knows how LONG it will last, a century or two, a few years only. Only He knows. No matter, again it is what it is. What IS important though is that we are always ready at all times to be called home to heaven. Remember we are running a race, a race against time, our lifetime however long or short it may be. NOTHING else is as important as getting to heaven! Nothing! We must do all and whatever is needed to do so. It must be our top priority. If we live this way all will fall into its proper perspective. We will live good lives, we will finish the race a winner! We will receive the laurel wreath of victory as we cross over into Heaven our ETERNAL home...Think of it. We are but in a waystation here, waiting for that train to take us to one or the other permanent location. Think of this, don't trivilize it...We are now planning our future. Will it be full of glorious bliss or endless despair and pain??? Its our choice, and we are making it right now!

If we are in the end times then it is even more important to live godly lives, one to save our souls but two to help inspire others, to help them to persevere. We won't go to Heaven alone, oh no! We are like a stone thrown into the quiet waters, we make ripples for good or for ill...We will take others with us to one location or the other. Which are you doing?
Something to think about isn't it? One last thought. If Heaven is our goal then the negative things that happen here really don't matter do they? If we can just hold on and persevere through them then when we get to Heaven it will not even be a memory the bad things we suffered here. Remember that when something goes wrong. Its all part of the test, part of the race to see if we persevere. We must be strong. We must keep our eyes on the prize! NO MATTER how hard things get and we are just a breath away from giving up we must NOT do so! Remember "I can do all things in Him who strengthens me..." St Paul quote. God will give us whatever strength we need to persevere if we but ask Him. We must trust our Good Father like a small child not understanding what the parent is about but know that it will all work out for the childs good. This is what we must do.


Friday, May 28, 2010

Our Failings.... Our Promised Gift...

Had an interesting experience today. Someone I highly respect was having a really bad day. Saw an angry side of them had never seen before in all of our five years of knowing each other. Must admit was a little taken aback as I got to feel the brunt of it even though it wasn't my fault or doing. I let them vent and eventually they laughed and smiled a little bit. But my point here is this we are ALL weak and human. We ALL have our down side our "unpleasant side" and yet think that this is exactly what makes us shine even brighter when we do GOOD. It is such a contrast the good and evil in us. When through God's grace we succeed in doing good we just shine like the sun. And it is even more wonderful because it shows how far we have come from the low of sin to the height of godliness... Think that the more we strive to let the good shine out here the more we will shine in Heaven as well. Was reading or starting to read a book just found on heaven. The one little section started reading said something about us "shining" from within in Heaven (think thats what it said)...Anyways got me thinking that the more we resemble our God the more we will shine of course! It makes perfect sense. God is light! He is the opposite of darkness which is what the other place is in so many ways. The other place reeks of dark things, lack of light, lack of God's life, death, darkness of mind and heart, burnt corpses.

Heaven on the other side though is filled with light, God's light! Of course there our very bodies in their new form will "shine" from within because we are filled with God! And He is light and love radiating throughout all of Heaven. Can you even begin to imagine. We will not be like "glowing ghosts" like you see on tv but will truly be "lit from within" with the glow of God's love. I imagine such beauty, all of us transformed into beautiful to behold creatures all flaws perfected! We will it seems still look like who we are but perfected! Beautiful as He intended us from all eternity! What what an awesome thought! Isn't that thought something to sing about! If you don't think so then maybe the "other place" with its smell of burning things will appeal to you? Not me!

Anyway also wanted to point out that our "failings" if we overcome them will cause us to shine in a special way that not sure how God will do it but that will tell others how we with God's help managed to overcome certain faults and hence give glory to God... It will be as it were a special badge of honor of us...ON the other hand if we get the other place these faults will be a special curse to us...That I am convinced!

SO all you other weak failing humans out there, chin's up...Keep trying to bring out your better selves and keep the goal in site. Heaven is waiting, like a bird let us soar to meet our God who will be no stranger to us if we keep running the race and cross the finish line with Him!

Peace to all,

Monday, May 24, 2010

Dear Ann Marie

Bless you for reading, following and commenting...

Seems like am speaking to the wind many times and yet as St Francis said if I quote properly he'd preach to the rocks if need be...Speak I must whether or not anyone is listening...Its like a spring welling up inside and overflowing...So dear sister of mine, your prescence is much appreciated...May HE bless you and all of yours immensely...


When I meet you up yonder we must together celebrate and praise with ALL our joyful hearts the One who has brought us together to share His wonders!

To Soar As A Dove to My God!

Ever feel like if you could just be free of this corporal link how you would instantly just soar like a bird up to heaven into the Hands of God? Oh how I long for that...And yet duty binds me here and here I must abide until that wonderful moment when in the blinking of an eye I soar to the heavens to be forever embraced by my God! Life here is not all bad and yet life in Heaven is so to be desired that it makes as it were straw of this life's pleasures. Perhaps I have dwelt too long on the pleasures of Heaven and so that now I can no longer find peace here. I long for Heaven with every fiber of my being... It is as a bird trapped in a cage longing for the freedom of the heavens...Yet my God knows I am not ready to soar, I must still develop my wings through the trails of this life so that they are strong and ready to soar...As a deer longs for running waters so my heart longs for you oh my God.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Heaven is the BEST bandaid ever!

Sounds silly but not really if you think about it. When your having a bad day due to sickness, sick kids, cranky boss, money issues, etc. Whatever it may be try to think on how TEMPORARY this world is...So short in the scheme of things. Think then on how WONDERFUL Heaven is...ALL your dreams will be be fulfilled...All of them...If they are worthy and good, stemming from the Creator of all creative dreams they WILL be fulfilled in Heaven. God is incredible and ALL POWERFUL. He can do ANYTHING! He WILL reward us for our faithfulness and perseverance in ways we cannot even begin to imagine here on earth. SO if your having a rough time for whatever reason think on the eternity of Heaven and the temporary situation here and use it as a bandaid to cover over your hurt and pain...Its a wonderful healing bandaid, try it sometime... I can attest that it works...


Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Every get that "caught in a warped circle of negativity" feeling?

Does that ever happen to you? Where things are just going wrong and going wrong and your not sure why but you do know you can't shake it or get rid of it? I sure do...It hit me the other day that there IS h--- on earth! This experience is it! When you just feel icky inside, irritable, nothing is going right, everyone around you is cranky, its just a BAD day....This is a little taste of the "other" place...This has really struck me lately and in doing so only confirmed my desire to (avoid) it at all cost. Can you imagine spending e-t-e-r-n-i-t-y going through this on a much deeper level? Ooooooooh not me! Recently read enough of a book called "23 Minutes In H---" If anyone has any doubts about HOW WONDERFUL Heaven is read the first chapter or two of this book and you'll change your mind! Thats kind of what jumpstarted me on this quest to post here, this whole blog actually...If the "other" place is soooooooooo horrid then Heaven must be the complete oposite! And how wonderful that is...So on my icky days its actually a nice reminder that Heaven awaits if I but continue to run the race till the end. How SWEET will be my reward if I can but persevere...My prayer for you is that you will also be inspired to aim high, aim for Heaven and then keep your eyes fixed on the prize till you claim it for your own! See ya there!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Why God created us and why the "other place" exist

This is why I think God created us. He doesn't need us, He was/is just fine without us however think that He is SO full of love and generosity that He wanted to SHARE it! Think that is why we are here in a nutshell.
Think that He wanted us to enjoy Him and enjoy all the beauty He had created. He wanted to see us happy! Think about it. When something makes you happy you want to share it with another. It doubles your joy. Think God made us that way. Remember we are created in His image and likeness. This is just one aspect of that.
I am reminded of the wedding parable when the Host invites so many to come and enjoy the festivities. Isn't that us? Are we not invited? And yet some choose NOT to go, not to enjoy the blessings and gifts. Think God as our Inviter then feels offended maybe angry that we have snubbed His gifts in our insolence. Shame on us if we do. Hence He created a place for those that choose to reject Him and His gifts. It is I believe our choice to accept the bounty or reject it therefore rejecting our Good God.

Speaking of gifts, this also came to me and felt it worth mentioning. God has given us so many gifts and yet we have the ability to use them correctly or inappropiately. For example food. Food is GOOD, we need it for nurishment and yet many use it to commit the sin of gluttony. Gift misused! God created so much for our happiness and use and as the Good Giver/Father He expects us to use them well. Believe if we misuse then we will likely end up in the "other place". Another example. The physical union of husband and wife. Perfectly wonderful and created by God and yet there are those, many in fact that misuse it by "using" this gift before marriage or outside of it. God will not be insulted this way. Unless we repent of this misuse and then correct our behavior we again will most likely end up in the "other place". SO folks lets just enjoy ALL that God has given us, use it wisely and we will be happy here as well as in Heaven our ultimate home!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

No marriage in Heaven...

Remember most of what you read here is my opinion and therefore it may or may not hold water when an "expert" should look it over...

That said here is my opinion of why Our Lord says there will no marriage in Heaven.

This is something that has troubled me in the past, not understanding it too well. After much contemplation on the subject this is why I believe it to be so.

Jesus says no one will be given in marriage nor married in Heaven. Well, why do humans (or even animals) "marry" at all? Is it not for the sole purpose really of continuing on the human race? Or animal kindgom? Is it not God's intention that we should continue to repopulate the earth until He comes again in glory to take the "sheep" home with Him? Of course it is!

It is a "human" need to do so. This body of ours has so many needs. We must eat or die, we must sleep or not be able to function. We must work or waste away. We must socialize or become islands that are mentally well, not right. We have so many needs do we not. That is how God created us on this earth in this corporal body. When we leave this corporal world we pass into a different world. One that is totally different from here. There we have no need to continue the human race, our mission has been accomplished, we have "arrived" at our destination. We have no need for food as the new body we will have will have no need for it. Christ will sustain us. We will have no need for sleep, we will not be chained down with physical needs and wants. They simply won't exist. We will have no desire for a spouse because first God will supply any desires we have for companionshp or for anything really. Second we won't have the biological need to procreate because we will be beyond that if you will. Hence we won't feel the attraction to the opposite sex nor the biological draws that humans are endowed with here, there will be NO need, hence they will not exist. So if you have no need of physical unions for the continuation of the human race why have marriage? You won't! God is so brillant, we humans are so slow on figuring stuff out. It has taken me years, yes, years to figure this out...So don't feel bad.

Another area related is will we know our spouses? I believe of course we will. However I think our relationship to them will be altered. Let me explain. Seems to me that you will of course recognize your spouse but your committment to them will be released. Hence you can simply be you and not part of a "couple". You will shine with your heavenly blessings-the special rewards God granted to you due to what you gave to Him while on earth and your spouse will do the same but as an individual. You will have a bond of sorts it seems to me but not a "hey I'm with him/her" sort of thing. You will have a history together and feel that you will together rejoice in that but again you will not be bound together. She will go off this way and he another direction, both smiling and completely happy and yet not bound. Grateful perhaps for God's amazing design in bringing them together on earth to work as a team to further God's design and yet realizing that their mission is complete and now once more they are individuals. Does this make sense to you as it does to me? Hope so. Hope to edify and lift up, to explain not confuse and draw down.

I know there are some that will rejoice in thinking "wow free at last". Not sure thats what God intended for us but it will basically be true won't it? And yet feel that once you get to Heaven all hard feelings will be gone. Also that we will see things in a totally different perspective, God's perspective. He is the Master Weaver and works all things unto His master plan/masterpiece.

Sometimes it hits me how we have such small ideas about God. He is so much larger than life if you will...He is so capable of doing anything He pleases. We so tend to forget that. He is the Master Orchestrator, conducting so many things at the same time without missing a beat. Amazing God we have. How blessed are we to be called His Children?

On that happy note, signing off for now...


Sunday, February 7, 2010

8 Beatitudes

Heard the eight beatitudes sung beautifully today and it hit me how they seem to be telling us some things to expect IN Heaven...Thought I need to think about this just a little more and then post for you in hopes it will help you as it is helping me....

Just need to look at them and then post while referring directly to the exact wording...

Hope you all will enjoy this new venture into the wonders and joys that await us in Heaven!



Sunday, January 24, 2010

More thoughts on Heaven

Something that keep forgetting to attempt to convey but at least want to try here now is that if we all just thought about how truly incredibly spectacular heaven is we would do ANYTHING to get there. Let me elaborate. If you believed that we are here as for a test to see if we choose heaven and God or choose the other place. And it IS our choice. If we really pondered the wonders, beauties and undreamed of realities of heaven we'd soooooooooo want to be there no matter what it cost to get there! I truly believe this and so want to convey this to you. Just not sure HOW to say it in a way that will convince you. Keep thinking wow! Heaven is so AWESOME I want (everyone) to go there! Don't want anyone to miss out on this! Keep thinking of more and more wonders that await us there. Keep thinking of God's promise of "the eye has not seen, the ear has not heard" what marvels await us. Lets face it folks, we are going to spend ETERNITY somewhere...Where would you rather be? I've no doubt about where I want to be and everyone I know to be too! Think about this. For me thinking on the neg's of life and doom and gloom only gets me down. But thinking on Heaven just lifts me up, it makes the mundane more bearable, the difficulties more bearable...Just knowing that we are only here for a number of years, in the scheme of things a short time but that Heaven can be ours for eternity...Oh the joy one feels! No more tears unless of joy! No more pain, you know achy joints, headaches, fevers, ladies:cramps, no more hunger or the need to eat even.

I also pondered the fact that Jesus says in heaven there will be no marriage...Didn't understand that before but now I do...Here there is a need to procreate in order to continue the human race. In heaven that need no longer exists. Hence no marriage. And the reason on earth for marriage is sustain a family. Again in Heaven there is no need for this...SO actually even though spouses may be there together they no longer have need of the "union". So they would have a history together and a family hopefully all reunited there in heaven but not have to be "tied" to the other one. For some of us this will be a blessing...(smile) free at last you might say...But again we are separate entities are we not. We make a choice to join forces for the sake of family. In heaven we don't need this union so we are allowed to shine for who we are in God's eyes. Its unique and lovely thought to me, what about you? We won't need to be a "couple" in heaven,we would still be friends and all however. Not condemning life on earth nor family life of course not, this is a conversation on heaven and how things will be different there.

So just some more thoughts for what they are worth. You all may laugh but this blog was started more for myself than anything. SO many thoughts kept popping into my head and couldn't keep track of them all. Then started thinking others might benefit from them as well...Hope this truly can become a reality. This is a dark, dark place we live in...If your a Tolkien fan then let me say we certainly live under the deep shadow of Mordor these days...So spreading a little light as my motto says is what I hope to do for you...Give you something beautiful and real to think about...

Here is a poem that some have seen before but seems perhaps its fitting here as well..

"Walking Through Mordor"

Yea though I walk through the valley of Mordor
I will fear no evil.

Though all is dark and dead
And I see no light yet will
I continue-

I know that places of light still exist.
I have tasted elven wine,
And slept beneath peaceful skies.
I have experienced strong friendships,
I have known peace.

So though I walk through the valley of Mordor
Yet will I hope
I know the eagles will come
I know that yet again will I rest
And I know that ahead
Lies a beautiful future
Beyond my wildest dreams....


This poem was inspired by the Trilogy story line as well as the Bible verse: Psalm 23
It reflects what I was going through when it was written which was really a dark, dark time. It also shares my belief in what is written on this blog that good will come, and Heaven awaits at the end of the journey for those who persevere....

So spread a little light yourselves...We must be as candles in a dark room. Let us share our light with others and give what comfort we may...Our reward will indeed be great if we do!

Peace friends,

Friday, January 15, 2010

Ever Notice?

Another thought that keeps going through my head what about yours? Ever notice how when your singing praises to God at church or wherever your heart just soars? Never noticed for a long time, too busy with "distractions"...But lately its been really hitting me hard. Sometimes at church I could just go on singing and singing till I collapsed from exhaustion! It also hit me how I've always heard that in "Heaven" you do alot of singing praise to God. Used to think "huh?" How fun is that. Think starting to understand that now... Do an experiment yourself, next time your singing praises notice (how) you feel inside...Bet you'll be surprised as I was! So maybe singing in Heaven will alot more rewarding than any of us previously thought...As a local pastor says on the radio here "not a sermon, just a thought".


Tuesday, January 12, 2010

More Thoughts...

Still thinking about Heaven and HOW wonderful it must be, has to be....

I just very recently lost a dear canine friend Sophia... I always make a scrapbook for my pets after I lose them and so am in process of doing this for her. In my search for "add on's" found this page of stickers with these two quotes: "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love Him." 1 Corinthians 2:9 And a second verse: "With God all things are possible". Mark 10:27. Still one more "And all these things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer believing, ye shall receive." Matthew 21:22. Well I do believe that I shall see my Sophia again! I believe that God will so blow my "human" expectations out of the water that I'll probably be just dumbfounded, breathless and laughing for joy when I get there...Oh can you even try to imagine the wonderful, wonderful things that await us there? If a parent loves to see the faces of their kid(s) on Christmas morn replace that thought with God seeing our faces on Heaven's first morn for us! How He must just wait eagerly anticipating our arrival to surprise us! Praise Him for this! Feel so badly for those that "miss the boat" and go to the other place....We must pray that all make it to Heaven like intended by our Creator. After meditating on the other place wouldn't wish that on anyone...

Sophia, wait for me, I'll be there with your mama, Joanne, Huxley, Harley, Blackie, rescue Princess, all my pet birds especially Pinkie and my goats especially Claire and Theresa,my chickens,horses etc that I've lost over the years... What a pleasant thought to think this way instead of dwelling on all the pain of earth.

Sweet dreams to you all...