Come away and rest awhile... Take some comfort in the promise of things to come...

Friday, June 24, 2011

Reading this Awesome Book!

Found this awesome book called "The Happiness of Heaven" by  Fr. J. Boudreau,SJ

Oh my goodness what an incredible book! Think it ought to be on everyone reading list if you have any interest in heaven and the afterlife and if not then read it anyway to get one! He covers so many area's that I have never even considered yet and its just mind blowing!  It has really started me thinking hard about what he says which is so much more advanced than what I have so far come up with in my own simple meditations. One thing he touches on that I had "noticed" but never took it further into the heaven realm is our physical bodies, how we are basically slaves to them. We MUST eat, we MUST sleep...Don't know about you but I get tired sometimes of lugging mine around from place to place, its not always an easy task, we humans are "heavy" even if we are thin! He says that in Heaven when we get our risen bodies no food demands, no sleep demands and NO extra weight to carry around! He says we will be light like air able to transport ourselves anywhere by just the thought like talking long distance on the phone he says, only we will not just hear the other person we will actually be able to transport there! Can you imagine? He says so much more...He has really communicated to me in the few chapters I have read that God LOVES us so much and is just waiting so patiently to reward us sooooooooo richly for our faithfulness. He is just waiting to reward so far beyond our wildest dreams in so many, many ways.  Please even if I tried to paraphrase everything this man says I couldn't convey it so well as he...Please trust me and read the book. Amazon may have it. Tan Publishers will have it.  If not let me know and I'll research it for you. I have a copy so know they are out there. This guy has really meditated on the risen Christ to write so much of what is there, how HE was, that is how we will be. He draws from scripture and Thomas Aquinas amoung others.  A must read. It has left me so excited, can't wait to read more, and it has doubled my desire for heaven as well! Again this is one  amazing  you won't be left untouched book! You will be craving heaven so badly after reading this I promise!


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