Come away and rest awhile... Take some comfort in the promise of things to come...

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Why God created us and why the "other place" exist

This is why I think God created us. He doesn't need us, He was/is just fine without us however think that He is SO full of love and generosity that He wanted to SHARE it! Think that is why we are here in a nutshell.
Think that He wanted us to enjoy Him and enjoy all the beauty He had created. He wanted to see us happy! Think about it. When something makes you happy you want to share it with another. It doubles your joy. Think God made us that way. Remember we are created in His image and likeness. This is just one aspect of that.
I am reminded of the wedding parable when the Host invites so many to come and enjoy the festivities. Isn't that us? Are we not invited? And yet some choose NOT to go, not to enjoy the blessings and gifts. Think God as our Inviter then feels offended maybe angry that we have snubbed His gifts in our insolence. Shame on us if we do. Hence He created a place for those that choose to reject Him and His gifts. It is I believe our choice to accept the bounty or reject it therefore rejecting our Good God.

Speaking of gifts, this also came to me and felt it worth mentioning. God has given us so many gifts and yet we have the ability to use them correctly or inappropiately. For example food. Food is GOOD, we need it for nurishment and yet many use it to commit the sin of gluttony. Gift misused! God created so much for our happiness and use and as the Good Giver/Father He expects us to use them well. Believe if we misuse then we will likely end up in the "other place". Another example. The physical union of husband and wife. Perfectly wonderful and created by God and yet there are those, many in fact that misuse it by "using" this gift before marriage or outside of it. God will not be insulted this way. Unless we repent of this misuse and then correct our behavior we again will most likely end up in the "other place". SO folks lets just enjoy ALL that God has given us, use it wisely and we will be happy here as well as in Heaven our ultimate home!