Come away and rest awhile... Take some comfort in the promise of things to come...

Friday, May 28, 2010

Our Failings.... Our Promised Gift...

Had an interesting experience today. Someone I highly respect was having a really bad day. Saw an angry side of them had never seen before in all of our five years of knowing each other. Must admit was a little taken aback as I got to feel the brunt of it even though it wasn't my fault or doing. I let them vent and eventually they laughed and smiled a little bit. But my point here is this we are ALL weak and human. We ALL have our down side our "unpleasant side" and yet think that this is exactly what makes us shine even brighter when we do GOOD. It is such a contrast the good and evil in us. When through God's grace we succeed in doing good we just shine like the sun. And it is even more wonderful because it shows how far we have come from the low of sin to the height of godliness... Think that the more we strive to let the good shine out here the more we will shine in Heaven as well. Was reading or starting to read a book just found on heaven. The one little section started reading said something about us "shining" from within in Heaven (think thats what it said)...Anyways got me thinking that the more we resemble our God the more we will shine of course! It makes perfect sense. God is light! He is the opposite of darkness which is what the other place is in so many ways. The other place reeks of dark things, lack of light, lack of God's life, death, darkness of mind and heart, burnt corpses.

Heaven on the other side though is filled with light, God's light! Of course there our very bodies in their new form will "shine" from within because we are filled with God! And He is light and love radiating throughout all of Heaven. Can you even begin to imagine. We will not be like "glowing ghosts" like you see on tv but will truly be "lit from within" with the glow of God's love. I imagine such beauty, all of us transformed into beautiful to behold creatures all flaws perfected! We will it seems still look like who we are but perfected! Beautiful as He intended us from all eternity! What what an awesome thought! Isn't that thought something to sing about! If you don't think so then maybe the "other place" with its smell of burning things will appeal to you? Not me!

Anyway also wanted to point out that our "failings" if we overcome them will cause us to shine in a special way that not sure how God will do it but that will tell others how we with God's help managed to overcome certain faults and hence give glory to God... It will be as it were a special badge of honor of us...ON the other hand if we get the other place these faults will be a special curse to us...That I am convinced!

SO all you other weak failing humans out there, chin's up...Keep trying to bring out your better selves and keep the goal in site. Heaven is waiting, like a bird let us soar to meet our God who will be no stranger to us if we keep running the race and cross the finish line with Him!

Peace to all,

Monday, May 24, 2010

Dear Ann Marie

Bless you for reading, following and commenting...

Seems like am speaking to the wind many times and yet as St Francis said if I quote properly he'd preach to the rocks if need be...Speak I must whether or not anyone is listening...Its like a spring welling up inside and overflowing...So dear sister of mine, your prescence is much appreciated...May HE bless you and all of yours immensely...


When I meet you up yonder we must together celebrate and praise with ALL our joyful hearts the One who has brought us together to share His wonders!

To Soar As A Dove to My God!

Ever feel like if you could just be free of this corporal link how you would instantly just soar like a bird up to heaven into the Hands of God? Oh how I long for that...And yet duty binds me here and here I must abide until that wonderful moment when in the blinking of an eye I soar to the heavens to be forever embraced by my God! Life here is not all bad and yet life in Heaven is so to be desired that it makes as it were straw of this life's pleasures. Perhaps I have dwelt too long on the pleasures of Heaven and so that now I can no longer find peace here. I long for Heaven with every fiber of my being... It is as a bird trapped in a cage longing for the freedom of the heavens...Yet my God knows I am not ready to soar, I must still develop my wings through the trails of this life so that they are strong and ready to soar...As a deer longs for running waters so my heart longs for you oh my God.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Heaven is the BEST bandaid ever!

Sounds silly but not really if you think about it. When your having a bad day due to sickness, sick kids, cranky boss, money issues, etc. Whatever it may be try to think on how TEMPORARY this world is...So short in the scheme of things. Think then on how WONDERFUL Heaven is...ALL your dreams will be be fulfilled...All of them...If they are worthy and good, stemming from the Creator of all creative dreams they WILL be fulfilled in Heaven. God is incredible and ALL POWERFUL. He can do ANYTHING! He WILL reward us for our faithfulness and perseverance in ways we cannot even begin to imagine here on earth. SO if your having a rough time for whatever reason think on the eternity of Heaven and the temporary situation here and use it as a bandaid to cover over your hurt and pain...Its a wonderful healing bandaid, try it sometime... I can attest that it works...


Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Every get that "caught in a warped circle of negativity" feeling?

Does that ever happen to you? Where things are just going wrong and going wrong and your not sure why but you do know you can't shake it or get rid of it? I sure do...It hit me the other day that there IS h--- on earth! This experience is it! When you just feel icky inside, irritable, nothing is going right, everyone around you is cranky, its just a BAD day....This is a little taste of the "other" place...This has really struck me lately and in doing so only confirmed my desire to (avoid) it at all cost. Can you imagine spending e-t-e-r-n-i-t-y going through this on a much deeper level? Ooooooooh not me! Recently read enough of a book called "23 Minutes In H---" If anyone has any doubts about HOW WONDERFUL Heaven is read the first chapter or two of this book and you'll change your mind! Thats kind of what jumpstarted me on this quest to post here, this whole blog actually...If the "other" place is soooooooooo horrid then Heaven must be the complete oposite! And how wonderful that is...So on my icky days its actually a nice reminder that Heaven awaits if I but continue to run the race till the end. How SWEET will be my reward if I can but persevere...My prayer for you is that you will also be inspired to aim high, aim for Heaven and then keep your eyes fixed on the prize till you claim it for your own! See ya there!