Come away and rest awhile... Take some comfort in the promise of things to come...

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

End Times?

Keep hearing people say, good people, godly people that they feel or sense we might be in the end times...I often speculate on that myself. I have often prayed NOT to live in such times and yet it is what it is. If indeed we are in the end times only God knows how LONG it will last, a century or two, a few years only. Only He knows. No matter, again it is what it is. What IS important though is that we are always ready at all times to be called home to heaven. Remember we are running a race, a race against time, our lifetime however long or short it may be. NOTHING else is as important as getting to heaven! Nothing! We must do all and whatever is needed to do so. It must be our top priority. If we live this way all will fall into its proper perspective. We will live good lives, we will finish the race a winner! We will receive the laurel wreath of victory as we cross over into Heaven our ETERNAL home...Think of it. We are but in a waystation here, waiting for that train to take us to one or the other permanent location. Think of this, don't trivilize it...We are now planning our future. Will it be full of glorious bliss or endless despair and pain??? Its our choice, and we are making it right now!

If we are in the end times then it is even more important to live godly lives, one to save our souls but two to help inspire others, to help them to persevere. We won't go to Heaven alone, oh no! We are like a stone thrown into the quiet waters, we make ripples for good or for ill...We will take others with us to one location or the other. Which are you doing?
Something to think about isn't it? One last thought. If Heaven is our goal then the negative things that happen here really don't matter do they? If we can just hold on and persevere through them then when we get to Heaven it will not even be a memory the bad things we suffered here. Remember that when something goes wrong. Its all part of the test, part of the race to see if we persevere. We must be strong. We must keep our eyes on the prize! NO MATTER how hard things get and we are just a breath away from giving up we must NOT do so! Remember "I can do all things in Him who strengthens me..." St Paul quote. God will give us whatever strength we need to persevere if we but ask Him. We must trust our Good Father like a small child not understanding what the parent is about but know that it will all work out for the childs good. This is what we must do.
