Come away and rest awhile... Take some comfort in the promise of things to come...

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Some People Just Don't Get It!

Ever notice how some people just don't get it? They act like this life is it? Like there is nothing more after this. Hence they just do whatever they want, live for the moment, treat others like they are dirt, pamper their bodies like they are some kind of god....Its disgusting actually. Still they will try to aquire all they can here every comfort, every good thing with no regard to healthy restraint. They are you could say almost "piggish" with the things they desire and go after without regard to others or how they appear in their greed. We who are heaven bound must NOT get caught up in this! How slippery is the slope! How hard to not fall into  this even a little. And yet as I witness this too close to home it is so clear and so disgusting to see such things. It is a strong reminder to be strong, to finish the race! To see as GOD sees things not as we mere mortals tend to. We are blind! We cannot see beyond the veil and yet it EXISTS! Heaven exists! We must believe, we must not falter! Keep the faith alive, do not lose hope! Yes, we will fail here and there but we must get up and keep looking up not down! Our reward will come and it will be far better than any earthly reward we could ever hope to obtain here.  We must not let others choices influence our own. Even if we stand totally alone it must be done! We must not falter! We must hang on till our last breath so as to win the crown that awaits ALL those who seek it with faithful hearts!



These Weary Bodies of Ours...

Ever feel like your physical form is dragging you down, keeping you back from "living"? I sure do. Sometimes just the munedaness of having a physical body is almost more than can be born. We are so clumsy, so slow, too bulky if you will...It makes me think of how someday we are going to have bodies that aren't heavy and clumsy. Ones that the legs are nimble as are the fingers! We will be able to get places quickly not in a car or plane but just by thinking of being there! We will be light and airy, not heavy and bulky getting in our own way! Things will all work right and not against us. Are brains will always be sharp and quick, no dull days.  We won't be achy or feel ill anywhere. We won't feel fatigued after a long day like now. Its amazing to think of the change we will experience. I truly believe that all that we experience is part of the fall, part of the curse of that first mistake...Someday God is going to redeem that punishment as well...Oh I can't wait!!! Sometimes just having a body like this is such a burden, a heavy one that your soul just battles with. One wanting to move and fly the other just lumbering along... How long oh Lord, how long? I know we will ALL be so grateful when the time finally arrives for us and all will be as a distant, faint memory if a memory at all... So until then faithful friends hang on, lumber on and know that your liberation awaits!


Sunday, August 28, 2011

Like A Parched Desert....

Like a parched desert O Lord my soul is longing for you .... Nothing here satisfies my soul, all is as dust and nothing to my taste.  I feel as a lost pilgrim wandering this earth with no real place to call home...Why O Lord must it be this way?  Is it because You so long for our love? Is it because You so long for us to finally see You? Is it because if we are restless here then we will better focus on You? Perhaps it is so. Yet we are asked to be happy here, to rejoice even...It is hard when all is so full of turmoil, pain and great effort to even achieve the smallest accomplishments. Perhaps that joy comes when You manifest in small ways and large sometimes too HOW great is Your longing for us with kind little "God Winks" as a dear friend calls them. Perhaps the joy is from knowing HOW great is Your love for us small human creatures. Nothing more than the dust I feel like surrounds me are we humans. How long O Lord, how long? A short life can seem like an eternity when your spirit is in pain and filled with longing for You. How long O Lord, how long till we see Your beautiful face finally and permanently? O Lord my soul is yearning for You with a longing that human words cannot properly express...If only my beautiful daughter and I could be assured of Your permanent prescence for eternity that alone would suffice to bear all that seems to be my fate here... Help me Lord to muddle through this parched desert and find the eternal fountain of Your love....Amen.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Joys of Service

Been thinking about this for awhile....Long time ago spent eight years doing service work, ie: service for others, yes, volunteer style.  Life is changing for me, it does by natural progression for all us... And for me the potential of another opportunity to do this again is more than appealing. Not sure if this is going to work out for me or not but it is tantillizing... Now your wondering WHY is this on a blog for Heaven? This is why.  Can you think of anything better than to spend your life burning the candle at both ends trying in your own small way to make this world a better place. Spending it doing for others even in the smallest of ways?  When you die and you will die, we all do eventually...What a resume you will have! Wow! No matter your regrets you will be happy to be shown how you have lived for others, how you have self sacrificed and given up for others. IS this NOT what it is all about? Did not OL do this for us? Is He not our model the one to emulate? Now do you see why such an opportunity is so appealing to me? Eternity that is our future, where will you spend it?


Saturday, July 16, 2011

Life Can Seem So Unfair and Hard to Hang On To....

Know each one reading this has been there done that more times than you or I can count....Life just isn't fair! Its a fact! So why do we keep expecting it to be? The million dollar question. Who knows what lies behind all the deciding of who gets what and who doesn't? I don't, do you? Personally I am going through another "gosh this isn't fair time" in my life, you'd think I'd learn by now but no I haven't....One thing that is helping though is to remind myself that "this life isn't fair, it isn't permanent either though..." That seems to help alleviate some of the discomfort and pain that have caused this question to rise once more...Sin took away the "fairness" of our lives past, current and future, it is what it is. Yes, sometimes it seems to grossly unfair that some of us get slammed again and again inspite of our efforts to rise above such things. Again it is what it is... We must NOT get too distracted by all of this, think about 100 years from now, will these things be remembered? Will people even remember who you were? Probably not, put it in perspective. Yes, its a problem here and now but it will pass either of its own accord or by anothers fixing of it. Then it will be forgotten. HOW we handle and deal with this situation though will NOT be forgotten. We will personally reap the reward or punishment of our handling of these little annoying/painful/unfair etc situations. The way we handle them will follow us into eternity. Think in that! Also think in this, LIFE IS SHORT, eternity is FOREVER!!!! If we can but endure and suffer our way through if that is the lot we were dealt then the reward will be beyond words! I often comfort myself with these thoughts. The REWARD if we but persevere will be immense and so overwhelmingly good! All of our sufferings will be as naught. We MUST finish the race! Arise oh friend/brother/sister of mine and let us run together, encouraging each other till at long last we receive our deserved reward! No more unfairness or pain, only joy, happiness, and peace that cannot be found here.

Happy thoughts to you!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Romans 8 Verse 18 Destiny of Glory

They read this at church on Sunday past:

I consider the sufferings of this present time are as nothing compared with the glory to be revealed for us. For creation awaits  with eager expectation the revelation of the children of God: for creation was made subject to futility, not of its own accord but because of the one who subjected it, in hope that creation itself would be set free from slavery to corruption and share in the glorious freedom of the children of God. We know that all creation is groaning in labor pains even until now; and not only that, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit , we also groan within ourselves as we wait for adoption, the redemption of our bodies.  For in hope we were saved,  Now hope that sees for itself is not hope. For who hopes for what one sees? But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait with endurance.

In the same way, the Spirit too comes to the aid of our weakness, for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but the Spirit itself intercedes with inexpressible groanings. And the one who searches hearts know what is the intention of the Spirit, because it intercedes for the holy ones according to God's Will.

This bible quote is awesome! It says it ALL!!!!  There is nothing left that can be added  to this. It seems to me to say that all I have said is true, creation is also subject to futility as St Paul says.  It sufferes along side of us and awaits its liberation just as we do...Creation will also be restored to its intended beauty. We will enjoy that beauty when we all get to finally enjoy our new bodies at the end of the world.  God is sooooooooooo good. He has so much WONDERFUL waiting for us.  If you suffer here and do it for the Lord you will reap your reward.   Nature too will reap her reward, her groanings will end and she also will be restored, what a glorious thought! If this can't motivate you to grin and bear it then what will?

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Oh Death Where is Your Sting?

Been thinking on those words lately... Never really understood them before not that I "understand" them well even now but still just some thoughts in that direction.

Death, the ultimate punishment for the original disobedience...We were meant for life and then out of jealousy both on the part of the evil one and the first human female we were robbed of it. We were then destined for eternal death, separation from our God from our promised future of light and life.  God in His great compassion and think too in His perhaps sense of loss over losing the precious souls He so loved and created to be with Him decided to undo the damage done...Almost reminds me of the fairy tale of Aurora, aka Sleeping Beauty who is cursed with death at the prick of the spindle but then the last good fairy softens the blow and causes deep sleep instead of death. There is such a parallel here. We as Aurora had a bright future ahead of us.  Look at the similarities: then the evil one/ evil fairy comes and robs us/her of that gift. Then a Redeemer-Jesus /good fairy comes and softens the blow.  Aurora sleeps for 100 years to be awakened by the kiss of her true love...We still "die" but we do not experience true death unless we remove ourselves willingly from God's grace. We "sleep" until the end of the world to be awakened by the "kiss" of our true love God! Then we shall awake to a wonderful new life! How the evil one must fume as did the evil fairy over the redemption of their curse... Death where is your sting? It is no more...The death of the body here is but a transition into a new life, not a loss of life...We are born again through our baptism into the life of the Creator who desires nothing more than to share His divine life and goodness with us. So henceforth friend fear not death of the body but as the Bible says fear those who can kill the body and the SOUL, that is to be feared not simply the human physical death...We WILL rise to a new whole and perfect body that will be incorruptable without stain or illness or anything the evil wished upon us in jealously of what we are destined for and he has lost.


Sunday, June 26, 2011

Just thinking about animals and heaven again...And more

Can't stop thinking about the intriguing wonders of heaven, all the possibilities. 

Everytime I see a poor animal killed on the road I say a prayer that God takes them to heaven to have what they missed here. I do believe He hears that prayer. Also believe its an unnecessary prayer as think He has already taken care of it. 

Been thinking about the garden before the fall. Don't know a whole lot about it but you can rather piece things together a bit if you try...All the animals got along there, not fighting amoungst themselves, no natural enemies as here now. How peaceful it must have been. Imagine there were no 100 degree with humidity days nor days so cold your teeth couldn't stop rattling either...There was no illness, no pain, no injury. It was a wonderful place to be, and yet somehow Adam and Eve were disatisfied. Why? Not sure. They wanted more, why? Did they need to pass a test before things "calmed down" and they were content? The original angels did.  Hmmm. Interesting thoughts. If they had passed the test things would be soooooo different now. Always wondered if they had passed would people just float off to heaven when it was time or would they just stay on earth. Wouldn't it have gotten crowded? God did walk in the garden with them but wonder if it was in His true form (remember He hadn't become Man yet) or was it under under human form so as to not alarm them? Not sure. Still wonder what would have happened with humans and heaven, how that would have worked out. We too now must also pass our test, not to remain in the garden but to get to the "garden" which is now Heaven.  Wonder too if when the new earth is created at the end of the world if it will be a giant "new Eden"....Guess we'll have to wait and see.  Hope to see ya there!


Friday, June 24, 2011

More reactions to Heaven Book

After the few chapters in the heaven book here are some more reactions I am feeling/thinking...First HOW much God really loves us. He wants us to know this and He wants us to understand just how much He desires us to be with Him.  Also think that it must be the "other guy" that blinds us to this reality. If everyone truly understood HOW MUCH we are loved we couldn't help but to run to Him with arms wide open offering Him all we could! So why don't we realize this? Don't think God is blinding us to this. SO we must strive hard to learn all we can about Him, remember the Know,Love and Serve thing? If you know Him you Love Him then serve Him! If you love Him you will desire to be with Him for eternity! You will not find "service" to Him a burden but a joy! When we love another human we cannot do enough for them so it is too with God. So a good barometer of our love is our service then... Also when you love someone you think about them constantly so too we will/should think about our God constantly. Where your treasure is there will your heart be...Its true! I cannot wait for heaven and after reading a little of this book I really want everyone to experience the joys that await those who arrive there...It will be beyond words for sure...St Paul is truly correct in saying the eye has not seen nor the ear heard... The other guy must be sooooooo jealous over his loss that he attempts to blind us in order to keep up from attaining that for which we were so wonderfully created. If you read the book he also details so much about our "humaness" and how it will be glorified on the other side in such a way that what was ill here will be transformed into wonderful there. He makes note that all the wonderful physical attributes that we will receive are only the tip of the iceberg. Seeing and being with our Creator will the ultimate crowning reward that our glorified bodies will so wonderfully be able to enjoy.  Please read this book! I cannot say more!

Reading this Awesome Book!

Found this awesome book called "The Happiness of Heaven" by  Fr. J. Boudreau,SJ

Oh my goodness what an incredible book! Think it ought to be on everyone reading list if you have any interest in heaven and the afterlife and if not then read it anyway to get one! He covers so many area's that I have never even considered yet and its just mind blowing!  It has really started me thinking hard about what he says which is so much more advanced than what I have so far come up with in my own simple meditations. One thing he touches on that I had "noticed" but never took it further into the heaven realm is our physical bodies, how we are basically slaves to them. We MUST eat, we MUST sleep...Don't know about you but I get tired sometimes of lugging mine around from place to place, its not always an easy task, we humans are "heavy" even if we are thin! He says that in Heaven when we get our risen bodies no food demands, no sleep demands and NO extra weight to carry around! He says we will be light like air able to transport ourselves anywhere by just the thought like talking long distance on the phone he says, only we will not just hear the other person we will actually be able to transport there! Can you imagine? He says so much more...He has really communicated to me in the few chapters I have read that God LOVES us so much and is just waiting so patiently to reward us sooooooooo richly for our faithfulness. He is just waiting to reward so far beyond our wildest dreams in so many, many ways.  Please even if I tried to paraphrase everything this man says I couldn't convey it so well as he...Please trust me and read the book. Amazon may have it. Tan Publishers will have it.  If not let me know and I'll research it for you. I have a copy so know they are out there. This guy has really meditated on the risen Christ to write so much of what is there, how HE was, that is how we will be. He draws from scripture and Thomas Aquinas amoung others.  A must read. It has left me so excited, can't wait to read more, and it has doubled my desire for heaven as well! Again this is one  amazing  you won't be left untouched book! You will be craving heaven so badly after reading this I promise!


Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Animals and Heaven

Been thinking again about this.  Animals in heaven. Again if a new earth it should have animals. Second off if animals were condemned along side of us after Adam and Eve and they like us now suffer death that came into the world due to sin should they not also like us enjoy the reward? They do not have souls like our own and yet we condemned them to die by our sin. Feel God being a just God would not simply let them suffer along side of us and then not repay them somehow for their pain. This again is just my theory but I'm sticking too it as the country song says. Animals are sinless and yet they suffer, hit by cars, neglected, all suffering from the hands of men, then illness and disease, what did they do to deserve all this, nothing. To the best of my knowledge animals perfectly obey the will of God and yet again they are cursed due to our fault. Can't help but to believe that God won't reward them as well as those of us who persevere till the end by giving them what originally they would have had if we hadn't brought death into the world. Just a thought.


Sunday, June 12, 2011

Going through such a tough time in my life (again)

Life can be so discouraging, distressing, depressing, etc...Sometimes no matter what you do its so hard to keep going. I have such a personal history of this, sometimes it seems so unfair. Unhappy childhood due to issues with a parent, one was supportive, one was NOT! The supportive one gave me so much that still to this day brings me great joy and gave me so much ability like my gardens, my art, and so much more. The other robbed me of so much...And then adulthood seemed to be the answer the freedom so long sought. Only problem is that due to being so naive and untrained in determining such things ended up in yet another not so wonderful situation. One that is even harder to get out of than childhood was. And yet through it all there is one thing, one hope, one bright beacon that shines true. Its called Heaven. This thing, this place, this state of existence that none here can say much about...And yet it has such a draw, such a promise of all that we just can't seem to find here. Its almost as if we instinctively know that we were made for this place, this existence...Its almost inexplainable our desire for this. I believe its because we are hardwired by our Creator to desire this. We were made to be there and somehow deep in our being we know this. I think so many of us though get distracted, sidetracked. We search here on earth for the happiness of heaven. It can't be found really, its not here only small glimpses of it can be located. Just enough to tease, to encourage, to prove that such a place does exist, somewhere...We find it in the laugh of a child, a smile, a good deed that comes out of the blue when most needed, the beauty of a sunset or sunrise, the new leaves of spring, in prayer, so many little glimpses are there. Not the full picture but enough to show its real, waiting. I am in the waiting crowd. I know so well that true happiness cannot be found here except in small windows. It must be enough. I am deeply grateful for the little bits I do see and wait with great longing for the day when I get to see the full picture. It makes me think that no matter what you endure here if as St Paul says you "finish the race" the prize will be such that the pain of the race will be without memory...Only the joy, the exuberence, the satisfaction of having made it will remain! As I stated at another place it will not matter what you suffered here when you get there...It will all seem as naught. So be happy that you were born, it means you are predestined to be eternally happy and without pain no matter how bad your life may have been here on earth. Just knowing the joy I will experience makes it all seem as dust blowing away in the wind...

Peace, may you find it before you pass into eternity and may we meet on the happy side to run and laugh without memory of the pain...

Thursday, May 19, 2011


If you could go to heaven right now today/tonight would you?

Would you have hesitation? Would you be ready? If you could literally go right now would you?

I would IF I knew my daughter could come with me and I knew my two dogs could too...Those would be the only things that would hinder me... What about you? Those are my loose ends. What are yours?

Just something to think about.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

A Wise Friend Said...

Happy Easter to all before I start.

A wise friend told me today that this world is so sad and full of so many negative things but that God knows how the human heart has need of hope in order to survive here. So He has not only given us the promise of Heaven through His resurrection but He also gives us little glimpses, little reflections of what awaits us in the eternal land of light and joy...Everytime you see a small beauty of nature, a blooming flower in an unexpected place, a stunning sunset or sunrise, a secret brook bubbling away deep in a wood...All these are little promises of what will come...They are HOPE for our weary world...Hang on Heaven's Coming!


Sunday, April 17, 2011


Sometimes as hard as you try life makes you forget things you may not want to. Or maybe it just distracts you from those things...Lately I have lost some of the intense focus on heaven that I usually have. Its called life here on earth. Thats the problem. Sometimes life HERE gets so involved, so intense that you lose sight of most everything else...That is what has been happening to me. Thanks to my lovely daughter who reminded me by her innocent little questions and comments, the fruits of so many conversations on heaven that the focus was brought back... We must not ever totally lose sight of heaven. As St Paul says keep your eye on the goal, run the race! We must not lose sight of the finish line! Those that do will be lost! I know so many family members well these are inlaws actually that have forgotten. It deeply pains me to see them living by the worlds standards and losing sight of the future! The thought of what their future might be pains me greatly since these people are so well known to me. I see what could be and then have to compare it to what very well will be for them...Its tragic. And yet all you can do is share what you know, its up to them to decide what to do with their time here. Thanks to my daughter for redirecting me of late. Life has thrown me some interesting curves and its especially important to not get distracted and hence caught up in worldly ways of dealing with things and possibly losing the race because of it! No like I keep telling my daughter from before and now again, YES! I'm going to heaven because I am going to make the right choices to get me there! And so are you (when she asks if she will also get there) Its up to us isn't it? Its not like buying a lottery ticket- you hope you picked the winning number! No Christ died for us, opened the doors to heaven for us, now we only need to accept those graces He offers to us, make the right godly choices and we're in, we will have won! Its not a "oh I hope I get there" thing. Of course we can say that in the sense of "oh I hope I DO make all the right choices" but we DO have free will remember? We can make the right choices that put us in God's camp under His standard! Heaven IS within our reach, everyone of us! We must simply choose to run the race with the goal in mind. We must not often get distracted lest we fall and not get back up. Its not an easy race by any stretch of the imagination... Think of tri-athletes is it? Running over all kinds of terrain and elevations, doing all kinds of physical exertion. Its tough and you have to be tough to do it. But the help is there if we but ask, then with our God given free will we must CHOOSE to get there no matter what we encounter along the way. It CAN be done, we must never believe otherwise. If it were unattainable God wouldn't have offered it to a weak human race now would He? And we do know that other have made it so we can too...


Saturday, March 5, 2011

Have been locked out of my site here....

Sorry for the long silence, couldn't get back in, wouldn't recognize my password, again! Here's hoping the next time don't have to go through this again...

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Lifting Up People

Been thinking or rather putting some thoughts into words that have been around awhile but not able to be expressed per say. Anyways just wanted to suggest to you all this simple little thing. Try lifting other people up each day, strangers, family, friends, anyone. See what happens. Its amazing how good you feel inside when you see them respond to your kindness. And yes this does relate to heaven, when we do that we bring a little piece of heaven right down to this earth. We feel God's love on us, the other person experiences God's love through our action. It doesn't have to be big. Small example the other day in a fast food place a lady needed fifty cents change to finish her order, she didn't have it, I did. I usually don't have any money not even change but that day I did. Well imagine her shock and then joy when she got what she lacked! A total stranger for no known reason just did something for her. She experienced God that day and so did I!!! It didn't take much and yet feel strongly that she went home praising God and then probably doing a kind deed for someone else herself. Truly feel if more people took this attitude and gave 50 cents or a smile or kind word, opened a door for someone, so many ways to do it...Heaven would be right here already. In God's heaven when we get there I promise you everyone will behave just like that! There won't be the needs that we have here of course but everyone will be putting the other first, in love and kindness feeling God's goodness pouring out on them they will reflect it back to others there. What a beautiful place to be, can't wait can you? Lets practice so that when we do get there we're not surprised by all the love...

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Just Thinking on Joys of Heaven, AGAIN...

Its funny but seems once you start thinking of heaven it just becomes a habit, something you just do without thinking about it anymore. It can happen at the most unexpected times. I think more people should try this especially when the world is such a dark place. It is a bright light, a place to go to cheer up and be given great hope for a better future.

Tonight as I was out doing my dogs it came to me again, thinking of heaven. I was thinking how if the world ended soon then these two dogs would be my last, how the white tacoma extra cab pickup that I'd love to have might never happen either...Sad thoughts really. But then heaven came to me and I realized that their I probably won't want the pick up, and in heaven I might have lots of extra pups to play with not just mine that I lost. It hit me how I can imagine such wonderful things for heaven but that GOD has even better ideas and plans for me once I get there. Things beyond my wildest ability to imagine or even hope for. Thinking on that for a few minutes out in the cold and dark doing the dogs it was like "wow" I have to get there, nothing else is as important! How could anyone even think of missing out on such beautiful wonders? How can anything here even come close to be worth more than that? If just what I can imagine of heaven, my lost pets, being in this beautiful pristine wonderland, lost friends, angels to accompany one, beautiful music beyond human composition, my daughter and I being forever together outside the bounds of this frail much more- how could anyone NOT want to do what it takes to get there. It just is beyond comprehension what awaits us there. We MUST meditate on it. It is such a motivation to be good to focus on the fact that (this)is only temporary, it will not last, even a 100 years is not even a drop in the bucket of time or eternity. Promise me that you will make an attempt to think on heaven at least once a day. Put your life into perspective! You truly only live once, wouldn't you rather it be in a magical place of unending wonders and joy? The alternative is not a good choice at all. I also use it to deal with human frailty here, age catching up with you and all its trimmings, loss, sacrifices, pain, injustice, so much more, its all going to pass...And if you wake up on the right side it will ALL be perfect! No more flaws, no more pain,loss, etc. Isn't that alone worth the daily decision to stay the path of righteousness? I think so. Granted we all are weak and fall but we must pick ourselves up and keep walking toward that Light that awaits us.



Sunday, January 16, 2011

New Heaven New Earth

Just had a thought inspired by a book I started to read...New heaven, new earth...What does that mean? They suggested something to the effect of a "ruling party" residing in heaven while the people lived on the new earth...Hmmmmm. Well it made me start thinking that what if the heavens were renewed and restored to the original state of God and his angels residing there? And what if the new earth was like the Garden of Eden all over and even better than the original...Then what if God would come and walk amoung us here on this new earth like He did in the garden? We would be able to see him face to face without fear or death. It would perhaps be as it was supposed to be before the fall? I wonder. The earth would be a huge paradise, ready for exploration, no fear of poisonous snakes, spiders or plants. All ill removed. No danger from falling off a great height or of drowning in a fast moving river. No sharp rocks to cut your feet, no extreme heat or freezing cold to harm you. No wild animals to protect yourself against because they will all be harmless then and friendly. There would be no crowded cities like here and yet none would be isolated either. All would be friend not foe, like one big happy family. No illness to keep you home, no death to taunt you. No fear of loss or worry of broken anything especially a broken heart. Just pure joy, inexhaustable joy! No weariness to tire you, no hunger to gnaw at you, no thirst to torment you. Heaven will be a true paradise in every sense of the word. Whatever it takes it is so worth the journey to finally arrive there. I want it so badly I can taste it. But more so I want my daughter in particular to be there also. I want everyone I know and meet to be there.. It will be wonderful we will wish all could participate of it! Heaven on earth! This is what it will be. I imagine then perhaps even the angels will walk with us visibly coming down from their heavenly thrones to finally introduce themselves to us having been our faithful unseen companions on the old earth. Anyways, just some thoughts that came to me. Hope they inspire and give you something to look forward to.


Rainbow Bridge Helps Me to Be Good....

This may sound silly to you my only fan but must share it anyways....I know we should be good to please the Almighty...This is our highest goal of course to act in best behavior because He is deserving of this and our fullest devotion...But sometimes being the human that we are we might need a little help to do our best. For me heaven is such a wonderful draw, cannot imagine NOT getting there! And yet sometimes human weakness draws me down to the earth not up free like the bird I so want to be...So many times I think on all my departed pets, Meagan, Sophia, Joanne, Hux, etc....and how badly I miss them...I tell myself that IF I ever want to see them again I must behave or I will surely disapoint them in their patient waiting to see me again as well...This amazingly really helps me both in my grieving for them and in my desire to be good...I truly believe that ALL good things await us in heaven. I don't believe it is simply a beautiful choir singing God's praises for eternity...The Bible itself states otherwise does it not? "A new heaven and a new earth"...I have discussed this in another post so will spare you the repeating here...However the point is that a new earth would have animals and God being the WONDERFUL loving God that He is would be thrilled to see us to happy being reunited with our beloved pets in a "perfect world" without illness and death... This so inspires me when I am weak, I cannot let my Meagan down, she so trusted me on this earth and had such loyal devotion. How could I do anything to endanger spending eternity with her by my heels once more...The thought of losing that makes the other place seem even worse so thank You God for giving us those wonderful little creatures to befriend us here and to help inspire us to see them again by loving you with all our hearts.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Having one of those icky days...

These days are so icky, hate feeling so well yucky inside and out... One of those times when you wonder if your a good person not not...Everything just feels well not right. Part of this is due to not feeling well physically, part to being very tired, part of it is due to seeing my frail humanity, so many reasons. Doesn't change the way I feel, have to remember that "this too shall pass..." (Tolkien quote) But days like today heaven seems so far away. I know its there and waiting - have to be patient with myself, with life, with others...Must finish this race no matter HOW I feel about it at the moment...Guess every race has its moments when you wonder if your going to make to the end. This is one of my moments, so if your reading this say a prayer that I get the needed "roadside assistance" and keep running this race with all I've got!