Come away and rest awhile... Take some comfort in the promise of things to come...

Sunday, January 24, 2010

More thoughts on Heaven

Something that keep forgetting to attempt to convey but at least want to try here now is that if we all just thought about how truly incredibly spectacular heaven is we would do ANYTHING to get there. Let me elaborate. If you believed that we are here as for a test to see if we choose heaven and God or choose the other place. And it IS our choice. If we really pondered the wonders, beauties and undreamed of realities of heaven we'd soooooooooo want to be there no matter what it cost to get there! I truly believe this and so want to convey this to you. Just not sure HOW to say it in a way that will convince you. Keep thinking wow! Heaven is so AWESOME I want (everyone) to go there! Don't want anyone to miss out on this! Keep thinking of more and more wonders that await us there. Keep thinking of God's promise of "the eye has not seen, the ear has not heard" what marvels await us. Lets face it folks, we are going to spend ETERNITY somewhere...Where would you rather be? I've no doubt about where I want to be and everyone I know to be too! Think about this. For me thinking on the neg's of life and doom and gloom only gets me down. But thinking on Heaven just lifts me up, it makes the mundane more bearable, the difficulties more bearable...Just knowing that we are only here for a number of years, in the scheme of things a short time but that Heaven can be ours for eternity...Oh the joy one feels! No more tears unless of joy! No more pain, you know achy joints, headaches, fevers, ladies:cramps, no more hunger or the need to eat even.

I also pondered the fact that Jesus says in heaven there will be no marriage...Didn't understand that before but now I do...Here there is a need to procreate in order to continue the human race. In heaven that need no longer exists. Hence no marriage. And the reason on earth for marriage is sustain a family. Again in Heaven there is no need for this...SO actually even though spouses may be there together they no longer have need of the "union". So they would have a history together and a family hopefully all reunited there in heaven but not have to be "tied" to the other one. For some of us this will be a blessing...(smile) free at last you might say...But again we are separate entities are we not. We make a choice to join forces for the sake of family. In heaven we don't need this union so we are allowed to shine for who we are in God's eyes. Its unique and lovely thought to me, what about you? We won't need to be a "couple" in heaven,we would still be friends and all however. Not condemning life on earth nor family life of course not, this is a conversation on heaven and how things will be different there.

So just some more thoughts for what they are worth. You all may laugh but this blog was started more for myself than anything. SO many thoughts kept popping into my head and couldn't keep track of them all. Then started thinking others might benefit from them as well...Hope this truly can become a reality. This is a dark, dark place we live in...If your a Tolkien fan then let me say we certainly live under the deep shadow of Mordor these days...So spreading a little light as my motto says is what I hope to do for you...Give you something beautiful and real to think about...

Here is a poem that some have seen before but seems perhaps its fitting here as well..

"Walking Through Mordor"

Yea though I walk through the valley of Mordor
I will fear no evil.

Though all is dark and dead
And I see no light yet will
I continue-

I know that places of light still exist.
I have tasted elven wine,
And slept beneath peaceful skies.
I have experienced strong friendships,
I have known peace.

So though I walk through the valley of Mordor
Yet will I hope
I know the eagles will come
I know that yet again will I rest
And I know that ahead
Lies a beautiful future
Beyond my wildest dreams....


This poem was inspired by the Trilogy story line as well as the Bible verse: Psalm 23
It reflects what I was going through when it was written which was really a dark, dark time. It also shares my belief in what is written on this blog that good will come, and Heaven awaits at the end of the journey for those who persevere....

So spread a little light yourselves...We must be as candles in a dark room. Let us share our light with others and give what comfort we may...Our reward will indeed be great if we do!

Peace friends,

Friday, January 15, 2010

Ever Notice?

Another thought that keeps going through my head what about yours? Ever notice how when your singing praises to God at church or wherever your heart just soars? Never noticed for a long time, too busy with "distractions"...But lately its been really hitting me hard. Sometimes at church I could just go on singing and singing till I collapsed from exhaustion! It also hit me how I've always heard that in "Heaven" you do alot of singing praise to God. Used to think "huh?" How fun is that. Think starting to understand that now... Do an experiment yourself, next time your singing praises notice (how) you feel inside...Bet you'll be surprised as I was! So maybe singing in Heaven will alot more rewarding than any of us previously thought...As a local pastor says on the radio here "not a sermon, just a thought".


Tuesday, January 12, 2010

More Thoughts...

Still thinking about Heaven and HOW wonderful it must be, has to be....

I just very recently lost a dear canine friend Sophia... I always make a scrapbook for my pets after I lose them and so am in process of doing this for her. In my search for "add on's" found this page of stickers with these two quotes: "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love Him." 1 Corinthians 2:9 And a second verse: "With God all things are possible". Mark 10:27. Still one more "And all these things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer believing, ye shall receive." Matthew 21:22. Well I do believe that I shall see my Sophia again! I believe that God will so blow my "human" expectations out of the water that I'll probably be just dumbfounded, breathless and laughing for joy when I get there...Oh can you even try to imagine the wonderful, wonderful things that await us there? If a parent loves to see the faces of their kid(s) on Christmas morn replace that thought with God seeing our faces on Heaven's first morn for us! How He must just wait eagerly anticipating our arrival to surprise us! Praise Him for this! Feel so badly for those that "miss the boat" and go to the other place....We must pray that all make it to Heaven like intended by our Creator. After meditating on the other place wouldn't wish that on anyone...

Sophia, wait for me, I'll be there with your mama, Joanne, Huxley, Harley, Blackie, rescue Princess, all my pet birds especially Pinkie and my goats especially Claire and Theresa,my chickens,horses etc that I've lost over the years... What a pleasant thought to think this way instead of dwelling on all the pain of earth.

Sweet dreams to you all...