Come away and rest awhile... Take some comfort in the promise of things to come...

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Some People Just Don't Get It!

Ever notice how some people just don't get it? They act like this life is it? Like there is nothing more after this. Hence they just do whatever they want, live for the moment, treat others like they are dirt, pamper their bodies like they are some kind of god....Its disgusting actually. Still they will try to aquire all they can here every comfort, every good thing with no regard to healthy restraint. They are you could say almost "piggish" with the things they desire and go after without regard to others or how they appear in their greed. We who are heaven bound must NOT get caught up in this! How slippery is the slope! How hard to not fall into  this even a little. And yet as I witness this too close to home it is so clear and so disgusting to see such things. It is a strong reminder to be strong, to finish the race! To see as GOD sees things not as we mere mortals tend to. We are blind! We cannot see beyond the veil and yet it EXISTS! Heaven exists! We must believe, we must not falter! Keep the faith alive, do not lose hope! Yes, we will fail here and there but we must get up and keep looking up not down! Our reward will come and it will be far better than any earthly reward we could ever hope to obtain here.  We must not let others choices influence our own. Even if we stand totally alone it must be done! We must not falter! We must hang on till our last breath so as to win the crown that awaits ALL those who seek it with faithful hearts!



These Weary Bodies of Ours...

Ever feel like your physical form is dragging you down, keeping you back from "living"? I sure do. Sometimes just the munedaness of having a physical body is almost more than can be born. We are so clumsy, so slow, too bulky if you will...It makes me think of how someday we are going to have bodies that aren't heavy and clumsy. Ones that the legs are nimble as are the fingers! We will be able to get places quickly not in a car or plane but just by thinking of being there! We will be light and airy, not heavy and bulky getting in our own way! Things will all work right and not against us. Are brains will always be sharp and quick, no dull days.  We won't be achy or feel ill anywhere. We won't feel fatigued after a long day like now. Its amazing to think of the change we will experience. I truly believe that all that we experience is part of the fall, part of the curse of that first mistake...Someday God is going to redeem that punishment as well...Oh I can't wait!!! Sometimes just having a body like this is such a burden, a heavy one that your soul just battles with. One wanting to move and fly the other just lumbering along... How long oh Lord, how long? I know we will ALL be so grateful when the time finally arrives for us and all will be as a distant, faint memory if a memory at all... So until then faithful friends hang on, lumber on and know that your liberation awaits!


Sunday, August 28, 2011

Like A Parched Desert....

Like a parched desert O Lord my soul is longing for you .... Nothing here satisfies my soul, all is as dust and nothing to my taste.  I feel as a lost pilgrim wandering this earth with no real place to call home...Why O Lord must it be this way?  Is it because You so long for our love? Is it because You so long for us to finally see You? Is it because if we are restless here then we will better focus on You? Perhaps it is so. Yet we are asked to be happy here, to rejoice even...It is hard when all is so full of turmoil, pain and great effort to even achieve the smallest accomplishments. Perhaps that joy comes when You manifest in small ways and large sometimes too HOW great is Your longing for us with kind little "God Winks" as a dear friend calls them. Perhaps the joy is from knowing HOW great is Your love for us small human creatures. Nothing more than the dust I feel like surrounds me are we humans. How long O Lord, how long? A short life can seem like an eternity when your spirit is in pain and filled with longing for You. How long O Lord, how long till we see Your beautiful face finally and permanently? O Lord my soul is yearning for You with a longing that human words cannot properly express...If only my beautiful daughter and I could be assured of Your permanent prescence for eternity that alone would suffice to bear all that seems to be my fate here... Help me Lord to muddle through this parched desert and find the eternal fountain of Your love....Amen.