Come away and rest awhile... Take some comfort in the promise of things to come...

Friday, July 9, 2010

Heaven True Joy and Hope for our weary world!

Of course! Yes, been thinking about Heaven again! Do it everyday now...Its becoming a habit, a good one! The more I think about it the more I want it...What about you friend? Have you thought about Heaven today? There is so much negativity going on everywhere. It can be overwhelming can it not? Want some hope, some cheery news? Of course you do! Heaven! Wow! If only the joy would spread, the knowledge of what awaits us! If only! Once heard a supposedly true story of a man who was given 7 seconds believe it was of a view of heaven and it actually took his life! He was according to the story so happy his human body couldn't contain the emotion and he died! Wow! That tells me that maybe the reason Heaven is veiled to us now is for this very reason. Maybe only our spiritual side (soul) are able to actually handle heaven and that is why we die to get there... Maybe it is just SO WONDERFUL we couldn't handle it...Ever think of that? Something so wonderful it would kill you? Must be good! Still think no big deal, not sure if you care if you get there or not? Better think again my friend. One way or the other you were made for eternity. Thats like forever with NO END... Ummm, think I'd like to be happy for eternity how about you...So remember that old quote "where your treasure is there will your heart be"?? Make Heaven your treasure and your heart will follow. If you do so you will live in a manner that will take you there. Remember you are only one heartbeat, one breath away from eternity! Where would you like to spend yours?


1 comment:

  1. Another great post to help combat all the doom and gloom. I'm definitely with you as to where I want to spend the rest of my life!

    Namarie, God bless, Anne Marie :)
