Come away and rest awhile... Take some comfort in the promise of things to come...

Monday, May 27, 2013

New Adam New Eve

Was thinking how the first Adam and the first Eve were so perfect the creme of Gods creation story! They blew it and yet think they maintained so much of that "human perfection" after the fall. Think they maintained their higher intellect, their healthy bodies but which were now allowed to experience illness a new thing for them. Think they had a much longer life span than we do now...So many things and yet tainted now after the fall. Slowly over the years humanity declined more and more. Fast forward Our Lord and Our Lady. Spared I believe from the taint of that sin hence they I believe were healthier than we more intelligent than we are too. More than that though I think they were physically more beautiful than the rest of us. It was like restoring the original beauty to this earth if even for a moment... It is a foretaste of what we will also experience I believe in Heaven. Think we will all be beautiful in heaven.  I see women or young ladies who are stunning coming into my brothers restaurant alot. The thing that usually hits me the most is their eyes! Wow! Some of them have the most stunning and beautiful eyes. The eyes reflect the soul. I think in heaven we will all have the most incredible eyes ever reflecting Him the source of all beauty! Think also that any physical flaws will be removed. Heavy people will be fit and trim. Women will have gorgeous hair and rosy cheeks! Men will also flow with health and vigor. No one wearing glasses or with bald heads. No double chins or potbellies...We will all be in our prime and we will feel it too! We will be bursting with vitality and life full of the joy of being alive in Him! What a marvelous time it will be! This fleeting life here is just that fleeting! Eternity is   f o r e v er........ Dont let anyone you know NOT get there....Heaven was meant to be populated so lets help make that happen.! Tell all you know the joys of this place in hopes that it will convince them to get there too!


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