Come away and rest awhile... Take some comfort in the promise of things to come...

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Heaven is the BEST bandaid ever!

Sounds silly but not really if you think about it. When your having a bad day due to sickness, sick kids, cranky boss, money issues, etc. Whatever it may be try to think on how TEMPORARY this world is...So short in the scheme of things. Think then on how WONDERFUL Heaven is...ALL your dreams will be be fulfilled...All of them...If they are worthy and good, stemming from the Creator of all creative dreams they WILL be fulfilled in Heaven. God is incredible and ALL POWERFUL. He can do ANYTHING! He WILL reward us for our faithfulness and perseverance in ways we cannot even begin to imagine here on earth. SO if your having a rough time for whatever reason think on the eternity of Heaven and the temporary situation here and use it as a bandaid to cover over your hurt and pain...Its a wonderful healing bandaid, try it sometime... I can attest that it works...


1 comment:

  1. You go, girl! Another wonderful post! Very true.

    Namarie, God bless, Anne Marie :)
