Come away and rest awhile... Take some comfort in the promise of things to come...

Sunday, January 16, 2011

New Heaven New Earth

Just had a thought inspired by a book I started to read...New heaven, new earth...What does that mean? They suggested something to the effect of a "ruling party" residing in heaven while the people lived on the new earth...Hmmmmm. Well it made me start thinking that what if the heavens were renewed and restored to the original state of God and his angels residing there? And what if the new earth was like the Garden of Eden all over and even better than the original...Then what if God would come and walk amoung us here on this new earth like He did in the garden? We would be able to see him face to face without fear or death. It would perhaps be as it was supposed to be before the fall? I wonder. The earth would be a huge paradise, ready for exploration, no fear of poisonous snakes, spiders or plants. All ill removed. No danger from falling off a great height or of drowning in a fast moving river. No sharp rocks to cut your feet, no extreme heat or freezing cold to harm you. No wild animals to protect yourself against because they will all be harmless then and friendly. There would be no crowded cities like here and yet none would be isolated either. All would be friend not foe, like one big happy family. No illness to keep you home, no death to taunt you. No fear of loss or worry of broken anything especially a broken heart. Just pure joy, inexhaustable joy! No weariness to tire you, no hunger to gnaw at you, no thirst to torment you. Heaven will be a true paradise in every sense of the word. Whatever it takes it is so worth the journey to finally arrive there. I want it so badly I can taste it. But more so I want my daughter in particular to be there also. I want everyone I know and meet to be there.. It will be wonderful we will wish all could participate of it! Heaven on earth! This is what it will be. I imagine then perhaps even the angels will walk with us visibly coming down from their heavenly thrones to finally introduce themselves to us having been our faithful unseen companions on the old earth. Anyways, just some thoughts that came to me. Hope they inspire and give you something to look forward to.



  1. Sounds pretty cool to me! :) Have I told you one of my favorite sayings, I've always imagined paradise to be a kind of library.

    Namarie, God bless, Anne Marie :)

  2. Wow, interesting concept a library! Why not!
